• Member Since 2nd Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday


"It is better to experience love, even for the briefest of moments, than spend an eternity alone. "


Help. · 7:41pm Jan 3rd, 2018

Ok, so I need help finding a story that I forgot the name of. All I remember about is that it's a Spitfire x Anon story and Anon is nicknamed Ducky. If anyone could plz help me out I'd greatly appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

Report Belmont · 381 views ·
Comments ( 202 )
  • Viewing 198 - 202 of 202

And to you as well my friend :twilightsmile:

Merry Christmas! :twilightsmile:

And a happy new year! :pinkiehappy:

2365480 Thx mate. I wish u one too :twilightsmile:

Merry Christmas!

And a happy new year!

  • Viewing 198 - 202 of 202
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