• Member Since 30th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2020

Aurora Steel

I draw stuff and write stuff, nuff said

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Some of my fave stories!


I'm an artist and will take almost any requests as long as they aren't sexual and please give me good detail about what you want ^^

I also write stories that are in the process that will one day get finished.

I'm open to talk to anyone about almost anything if they should ever need to console in someone. I have been through many things including moving half way around the planet from England to Australia, death of pets and much, much more.

If there's anything specific that you would want to request or ask, feel free to ask by PM or message on my page, I will reply!

So yeah! Welcome to my page!


Guess who's 18! · 4:28am Aug 7th, 2018

hehehehehe me :rainbowkiss:

Report Aurora Steel · 383 views ·
Comments ( 638 )
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Merry Christmas! :twilightsmile:

And a happy new year! :pinkiehappy:

2440767 Lady Gaga is pretty awesome, especially her earlier stuff. As for me I'm into bands likeMotionless In White, A Day To Remember, Pierce The Veil, Slipknot, I Prevail, those kinda bands

One or two of Demi Lovatos' and Britney Spears' songs are pretty good as well

Okay:twilightsmile:. Well, some of my fav music artists are: Anna Blue, Damien Dawn, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, The Offspring, Band Perry, Echo Smith, Demi Lovato, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, Zendaya, Britney Spears, Charlie Puth, Fifth Harmony, BoA, 2PM, V6.

  • Viewing 634 - 638 of 638
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