• Member Since 19th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen June 20th


i have no idea what to post on here. i found my old acount after 4 years. I cringed and dleteded most of my fanfics. I will be posting storys here and don't be shy about pming me anyway word count bye

Comments ( 138 )
  • Viewing 134 - 138 of 138

1293308 I know I am going to pull a all nigher and it is coming out at 9:00pm at Disney XD:pinkiesmile:
wow I am a fan girl...yay:pinkiehappy:

A new gravity falls will be release on August 1

It helps me when YouTube is playing up.:twilightsmile:

1223892 what the heck is that?

  • Viewing 134 - 138 of 138
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