• Member Since 9th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 15th, 2014


i'm a brony who just wants to have fun, and make stuff people can enjoy

whats my goals are

become a good writer.
overcome depression.
become a light for others.
bring joy to the sad and broken.

Die so some one else may live a little longer.

most popular stories


i'm getting bothered by a "toxic" person here · 11:42pm Jun 14th, 2014

to those who don't know much about it, toxic meanning, negative, and just anoying.

yea, the guy/girl has been bugging me, and it's just anoying. i mess with my cats, and this is the same as punching a baby in the face becuase it smiled.

so to brighten the mood. i've decided to do something completely random, and see if i can do soemthing with it.

P.S. i'm gonna leave this here, and hope you enjoy it

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Report TheLoveless · 1,018 views ·
Comments ( 240 )
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Comment posted by Matt11 deleted May 24th, 2015

1660622 how else can we talk one way or an other.

1660499 ...I'm still questioning how we ended up having this conversation on a banned user's page.

1659934 and I got better with the disruptions with my new stories if you want a read.

1659934 yeah I'll keep that in mind thanks

  • Viewing 236 - 240 of 240
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