• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 4th, 2021

Zeyon The Green

An avid alliterator, videogame addict, anime enthusiast, ocassional writer, procrastinator extraordinaire, and lover of stories at your service.


I took a break on ponies. · 12:26am Oct 5th, 2016

Hey all,

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Comments ( 108 )
  • Viewing 104 - 108 of 108

Thanks for adding Dainty Pleasure to Main sort! May I ask what you liked about it?

Thank you greatly for your interest in my work "How Come Stories Have to End?", I hope you enjoy it! :twilightsmile:

Just wanted to thank you for adding 'Philosophy of the Gator' to your list of things to read. I'm quite enjoying the positive feedback it's been getting. I sat on it for months and almost didn't publish it, but I'm glad I have.

I hope you enjoy it! :heart:

Thanks for the fav :pinkiehappy:

Yo thanks for taking an interest in Ponyfeathers, friendo! Have a good one!

  • Viewing 104 - 108 of 108
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