• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 21st, 2021



Farewell · 2:38am Oct 25th, 2014

I could retire silently, maybe, but I feel that would not do justice to those of you that are waiting.

I'm not going to apologize, since that is meaningless, except for Kitszune, who put his faith in me to go on with Silver Lining, and I did not live up to his expectations.

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Thank you, I really appreciate that.

Yes, I took out several of my stories due to being unable to see them unfinished. I'm considerin my return to writing.

Hello there, I have just gotten through Playing the Heart's Strings (which has been sitting in my To Read list for a long time) and wanted to drop you a note to voice my appreciation for the wonderful story. Doubly so here as I sadly could no longer find it on the site.

All the best,

Thank you very much for the fave!

Excuse me , but would you mind pointing me to the nearest park?

The... uhh... the voices in my head told me to go there and I'm afraid I'm lost. Please, please lead the way for me, I beg of you! I am supposed to meat someone in those woods and... I cant go it alone.

Please.... please come with me?

Thanks for the fave of 'Full Bloom'. I appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

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