• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 12th, 2016

Sam Cole

Just a veteran writing love stories for fun. If you want help or just to chat, hit me up, I always love to meet new people.


Fan Art for Chaotic Nightmare · 9:05am Jan 25th, 2015

Hells bells this is awesome mis amigos. Full credit goes to Shadowring123 for this amazing pic. Also, a quick update, I know it's been a quick minute since I updates this fic, but My class and work schedules are starting to harmonize, so expect a lot of updates from me.

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Report Sam Cole · 782 views · Story: Chaotic Nightmare ·

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Comments ( 107 )
  • Viewing 103 - 107 of 107

Whatever happened to you?

Long time, no see.

Are you a fan of spike the dragon and list any spike ship that you faves!?!

A Happy Veteran's Day to you this year, Sam. Thank you for serving our country, and my thoughts and prayers are with you and all who serve and have served our nation in uniform.

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