Over a year ago, Twilight Velvet let her daughter go on to bigger and better things. She hoped it was the right decision. But she misses her little filly.
Twilight Sparkle has cast loose the magic of Equestria and has been corrupted into a being that craves knowledge, no matter the cost. So, it’s up to Sunset Shimmer to save the day, right? Yeah, about that…
A filly Twilight Sparkle forgot to bring a book to read on the train, and now faces a horribly boring afternoon... Or, she does until she notices another filly reading. Surely she can sneak a peek, right?
Sunset Shimmer has overcome her own demons, saved the world more than once, and made up with her former mentor. But now she must face her greatest, and most dangerous challenge yet: meeting her girlfriend's parents
Twilight Velvet, book editor for Hoovesbury Publishing and mother of two, meets her newest client: aspiring writer Sunny Skies, who has as many secrets as Celestia has loving subjects.