• Member Since 1st Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Monday


Engineer, Brony, Aspiring Author. Not necessarily in that order.


A pony only gets one cute-ceañera. Twilight Velvet knows this, and she knows exactly how her friendless daughter wants to spend hers: nose-deep in a book, just like every other day. Twilight Velvet has other plans, all revolving around finding somepony to come to her daughter’s party, somepony to be her friend.

Featured on Equestria Daily
The original version of this story took 6th place in The Writeoff Association's December 2016 contest, “Has That Always Been There?“

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 63 )

Absolutely adorable! :pinkiehappy:

Wow, I never even gave a thought to what Twilight's cute-ceañera would be like. I'll accept this version!

Liked how Velvet pleaded her case and how Celestia maneuvered things to better placate the populous.

Yes, Celestia has her work cut out for her.

head canon accepted:twilightsheepish:

Absolutely adorable, and very well written. Thank you very much for sharing.

I had always assumed Twilight's cute-ceañera was a quiet family affair, I like your version better.

Fits with "amending fences" expaling how an antisocial filly Twilight could still have some friends.

I think this deserves some more attention, honestly. Everyone was in character, it made sense, and it was very well-written aside from a couple of spelling errors. Liked and favorited.

This...was adorable and wonderful. Dang it, why doesn't this have more views?!

Twilight Velvet is best mom.

What's the point in having a personal student if you don't show them a little favoritism?

This was satisfying to read. Well-written, not sickeningly sweet like virtually every other filly Twilight story I've read on here, and most importantly, everyone is in character.
A damn fine story this is.

While I liked the thrust of this story, and it had a clever idea – and a conclusion which explained how Twilight ended up with “friends” that she barely seemed to care about – I'm kind of confused as to what it is trying to accomplish. If this is meant to show character, I would have liked to see more of Twilight Velvet and particularly Princess Celestia’s thoughts – it was a much bigger ask than it might seem on the surface, and there was some possibility to reveal some good character here. But instead, a lot of time is spent on various other things, and only about half the story’s length is actually spent on such, so I'm not quite sure if that's the point.

But if this is supposed to be a fluff piece, I’m not quite sure that it quite came together as such for me either – while Celestia showing up is a very warm and fuzzy thing for her to do, the story doesn’t really present itself in a very warm-and-fuzzy light, and little of it is focused on such things. As such, I’m not really sure that it is supposed to be one in the first place.

Admittedly, the story doesn't stray too far from what's promised in the description: in pursuit of her daughter's happiness and wellbeing, Twilight Velvet sets out to secure a guest for the party. The stakes are low enough that I'm not sure the story could've stood to be very much longer… but it could've been a little longer, I'm sure. Thanks for reading!

How sweet! Just the read I needed this evening.

I had the honor of reading this during the Writeoff, and I can say that I love it even more now that you've fleshed it out.

Great job.


>big what your asking for is


Thanks for pointing that out!

This was actually really good and I love seeing these origin stories that really capture the show. Thank you for writing this story!

This was cute in the WO and cuter now. Happy smile things, yay.

HA! Not many would think to look for Celestia in her own school.

m8...have a like and fav

Friendship 098, possibly.

I like the idea that twilight has got her organisation Talent from her mother

Velvet is a author? Nice idea, Shows where twilight got her interest in reading in books

Beautiful! Didn’t expected that guards would be invited too. Nice how you pointed shining armor's future in the Military out.

It is implied in the official comics. She has a plaque on her wall that has "Daring Do" written on it, which is why a lot of people have decided she is either a publisher or an editor; however some people see it as an award named after Daring Do, which she perhaps won for writing something otherwise unrelated to Daring.
EDIT: This image was stitched together shortly before we learned that Daring Do and AK Yearling are one and the same: derpicdn.net/img/view/2013/11/1/461822__safe_rainbow+dash_daring+do_season+4_twilight+velvet_daring+don%27t_spoiler-colon-s04e04.png

OMG twilight is her own mom? That's creepy

Where is Twinkleshine? Also it's spelled Minuette not minuet. Still this is a nice story.

7931989 Must have overseen that when i read that comic but still nice idea of the fandom

7931227 Can't it be a rather cold-and-melancholic bit of fluff about a princess who has to hide in a locked academy from her courtiers, and her new student who only seems vaguely aware of the existence of other ponies her own age? :unsuresweetie:

Good catch on Minuette!
And arg, I forgot Twinkleshine! Maybe she was out of town... or maybe I'll just sneak her in tonight

This story made my day. Thank you.

And by the way:

The guard on the left spoke, his voice as level and stern as his expression. “Is this the residence of one Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia?”

It's missing a word.

Glad I could help! And thanks for pointing out the missing word :twilightsmile:

“Ha, I can’t wait to hear what ol’ Task Master says when he finds out I met our star student’s mother before him. Maybe he’ll finally get that coronary he keeps whining about in the teacher’s lounge.”

It was around this point that I realized my face was starting to hurt from smiling.

“Your cute-ceañera is today? How convenient! I actually came to begin your private lessons early alongside a few late additions to the school roster, but that can wait until we’ve celebrated, don’t you think? I’m sure Lyra, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, and Moondancer would love to get to know you, considering how much time you’ll spend with them once the school year starts.”

And this is the point at which I audibly squeed.

Thanks for the humongous dose of heartwarming. :pinkiehappy:

I reviewed this story as part of Read it Now Reviews #102.

My review can be found here.

The image of Twilight's mom looks like a stoned/petrified version of Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Velvet is well established as looking like a recoloured Twilight.

The picture on the right from my earlier comment comes from a toy, I think, where almost every pony is a recolour of one of the main 6.

7931965 Twilight Velvet being an author isn't a particularly new idea - it's so old, people used to headcanon that she wrote the Daring Do books - but yes, it's a good idea.

For a long time, it was one of the few canon details we did know!

Andy Price expanded on this idea in the comics (#11) by having a Daring Do literary award on Velvet's wall, which—prior to the canon reveal of her actual literal in-universe existence—led many of us to draw the conclusion that she wrote the books and won an award for them.

I'm enjoying what I am reading so far. I am curious as to the direction that this will take next.

You know I really love this little bit of head canon! Plus it's so cute to see Twilight get so excited that she has guests over for her party!

I like your portrayal of Celestia. She is benevolent, but she is pragmatic enough to understand she can't just throw away her schedule for one filly, especially if that leads to jealously among that filly's peers.

“Did somepony say cake?”


But seriously, that was pretty creative of Celestia: to prevent accusations of favoritism, Celestia brought some other young fillies, which also gives filly Twilight a chance at being social.

Well done.

Well it was a nice short story and I liked characterizations of ponies involved. I can easily accept this as headcannon. Wish there was more to it but hey was enjoyable short read.

Even though it was short, I would have loved to see more.

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