• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2016
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My DnD Adventures as Maud Pie - Part 1: Character Creation · 2:11pm Dec 15th, 2019

I was recently invited to join a DnD campaign (specifically Pathfinder), and I was thinking about what kind of character I wanted to play. Fortunately, this is something I've given a decent amount of thought to in the past, and it didn't take long to settle on my take on Maud Pie.

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Report Flisky · 321 views ·
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Thanks for the follow!

I am drowning in my gratitude for your follow. Thank you so much for having enough faith in me as an author to produce good content in the future, and I hope I do not disappoint you.

It was either drop it or get angry. I plan to enjoy today, and there's no sense in getting angry.

Your composure during the recent back-and-forth in the comments of Buckball Abstract is admirable.

Hah! I love it! :rainbowlaugh:

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