• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen July 19th


Author of the Tarnished Silver series. I write clopfics with too many emotions in them. My work is very niche, but my readers are a wonderfully enthusiastic bunch, so I must be doing something right?

Comments ( 315 )
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Your writing’s pretty good, it seems thought out. I found it pretty emotional (and cute at times). Mind you, it is, admittedly, very much porn, but I would think that the plot was just as good, if not better, not to insult your erotic writing.

Also the use of occasional witty lines is very well executed, at least in my opinion

I'd like to see more stories about the Circle. Maybe about the events leading up to Tarnished Silver, or perhaps some of their major milestones? I mean, there just aren't that many stories quite like it. In fact, I've yet to see anything quite like it, except for an RP on Red Light Ponyville called The Soirée, but that's even more extreme than your work.

Oh, and I wish you did more with Pip in terms of sexual content. Not a lot of colt stuff that isn't Spike-centric.

Comment posted by sunnydays06 deleted February 7th

You're a great writer, keep it up.

Thank you for sticking around for all these years!

  • Viewing 311 - 315 of 315
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10 Years Later · 11:24pm Jun 22nd, 2022


...anyone still here?

Hi, everybody. I doubt anyone else has even noticed, nor would I expect them to, but ten years ago today, I uploaded a weird little clop story called Tarnished Silver to this site.

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