• Member Since 7th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Tales of a wandering god: My Vacation in another world Picture Above That Doctor fella told me not to press that button... My mistake

Comments ( 120 )
  • Viewing 116 - 120 of 120

Goodness, someone actually approached my profile, it is very dusty in here. I haven't changed it in years :twilightoops:

Though I should consider changing things around, maybe when I have time

Otro cambio agradable, talvez

2438859 Oh my, well thank you.

Hmm, if we're not consolidated under a hivemind but individuals that are united to a singular purpose, than yes, I believe so.

Achievement unlocked!

You earned the...

...would a group of fans of Changeling fics be called a swarm?

Thanks so much for the fav on Herding Instincts and remember that comments are greatly appreciated!

  • Viewing 116 - 120 of 120
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