• Member Since 29th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Dexter's Lab: Equestria Stories

Chapter Progress Bar

Dexter's Lab: Equestria - Chapter 15
[//////// ] - 15%

Nightmare Lulamoon - Chapter 5 (Suspended per review - May be permanently cancelled)
[///////////////// ] - 30%
[Percentages] ///
0-25% - Storyline/Plot formulation
0-25% - Writing
0-20% - Review of chapter storyline and content.
0-30% - Proof-reading and final editing
Updated 08/23/2021

I've decided to start a Discord server, as an experimental method to keep me motivated in making updates; as well as a play for you all to directly chat with me.


Right now, its a basic Discord server. However, if its a success I'll put more effort into it.


New Year's Resolution · 4:34pm January 3rd

Do better on updating story.

Maybe start a second one.


Report RenegadeAlias · 434 views ·
Comments ( 202 )
  • Viewing 183 - 202 of 202

Still waiting for the chapter

No, I've just been busy baby sitting my brother's kid. Not enough free time.

The stories isn’t dead is it?

Paying homage to one of my favorite writers here. Thus concludes the 3rd and final stop of my pilgrimage.

Here 2023

Come back to us! Been almost two months now.

I’ve been ill for the past 8 days. Four of them I was bed ridden. Feeling better now.

Are you okay?

You lived! I see the global pandemic has not taken you. Now, you just have to survive the salvo of hurricanes incoming. Good luck and looking forward to new chapters of Dexter. Hopefully I won't have to wait for literally years for an update.

Hope you are doing well!

It’s so cool this history!!

Only find this story in December. Glad I found it with new chapters posted.

Curious where it goes. Dexter has cornered himself as having to be top dog to the princesses, but I suppose he can have flexibility with the queen. And a long search for home still. Feels like an act change is coming and I'll be interested where it goes

Holy shit! He's alive!

What did you think of the new chap?

Holy shit man! You live!!! And even better, an update!?!


(I’m updating soon)

Just visited this site again to say my well wishes. I will, and for ever shall be a fan.

  • Viewing 183 - 202 of 202
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