• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Unlucky Seven Omake Theater Presents 01 · 2:26pm Apr 2nd, 2021

A Dismissed Sunset

Sunset Shimmer stepped out the magical portal mirror. Then used her magic to pick the biggest couch she could find and smash the damn thing to pieces.

"Never, ever again."

She was finally back home.

Granted she would be probability get arrested but compared to the years without magic and as hairless ape... worth it.

She had been such a fool by getting tricked by the darn mirror, it was probably just a stupid test and she failed it.

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Comments ( 101 )
  • Viewing 97 - 101 of 101

Glad to see you're still on here, even if you're not currently writing.

Oh, That's okay then


Yes, just... not feeling like writing pony stuff at the moment.

Hello, are you still active?

Thanks for the fave!

  • Viewing 97 - 101 of 101
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