• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 29th, 2017


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Thoughts? · 6:58am Dec 17th, 2013

I need all the confidence I can get to finish this, and that means knowing all of you won't make it a waste of my time and talents. So here is a sneak peek! let me know if I should keep going or not. Feel free to add any feedback in the comments too, I could always use some.

Report Ponyman · 751 views · Story: Fluff ·

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Comments ( 14 )
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Comment posted by Deceased deleted Dec 18th, 2013
Comment posted by Deceased deleted Dec 18th, 2013
Comment posted by Pinklestia deleted Dec 18th, 2013

Hi,I'm paulinaghost from DA here and I've only read the comments of your fanfics and from what most say, your a good writer.

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