• Member Since 26th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2019


My bio used to be super edgy.

Comments ( 52 )
  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52

Just reshelving my library and I have a question "Changeling" was your story wasn't it?

598106 If I recall correctly there's a special circle in hell reserved specifically for burrito thieves.


He's right. Everyone in the IRC lies. And Criticul totally stole some dude's burrito in real life--I am not shitting you.

596258 Well colour me stupid, I'll be in as soon as the stupid nickserv emails me my password stuff.

596255 Er, risking the possibility that you're being sarcastic, yes it is related.

  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52
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