• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 24th, 2021



4 MEEELION WORDS · 8:23am Aug 3rd, 2012

Today marks the day I hit 4 Million Words.....Yep.

Report DemCheesePuffs · 448 views ·
Comments ( 22 )
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Man, I didn't know I was good enough to attract your attention with The Pony of Vengeance. I feel special to thee, O Cheese Puff man!

Also if you need to catch up without watching a blind commentary here is a website to look at: Every Episode and Movie to Catch Up On

Yeah, it has been I was a little kid during that time. I mean how was it like in 2011 to 2013?

I actually did end up slowing down around early 2014 but I ended up coming back around June 2017. Still slowly catching up on the episodes and still haven't seen the movie but that gives me a ton of content of watch and read up on. And, holy shit it's been 7 years? That's insane.

Wow, you're are some of the handful of people who still stay active on this site. And for a long time too since September of 2011, that's a long time considering it's been 7 years since 2011. Most people who created accounts in 2011 are mostly dead. 😕

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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