• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 25th, 2019


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A awww.... Why is the story dead. :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry: I love the romance in that chrome pony.

hmm, last seen 13 weeks ago two options he's dead or he ate three 4 day old tacos


Nope, just haven't gotten the next chapter ready yet, what with school and all.

So sorry ^^

It's in my Google drive, though. A few thousand words. It'll get there.

So since it hasn't updated since July, I'm guessing Eyes of a Musician is on indefinite hiatus :ajsleepy:

Any chance Tron will be continued?

It's so cute!

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Woah. Like, where have I been? · 5:33pm Oct 17th, 2013

Okay, um, sorry, first off. Life has been in the way of a lot of things this past year.

Oh! Right, remember me? I wrote that thing that one time then dissapeared, ehehe.

Anyway, just recently, I realized exactly how mean I've been. I just up and left, and you guys don't deserve that. You diserve my finished product, in all of its gramatical errors. So! I will continue work on Eyes of a Musician, since slice-of-life is my more favorite genre.

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