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Anthropology Lyra is determined to find out the truth behind the mysterious legends of humans. by JasonTheHuman 130,415 words · 8,561 · 175
Blue Angel A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior by V-Pony 778,421 words · 1,947 · 145
First Pony View Some dreams you might never want to end… …but what happens when the dream really doesn't? by Suomibrony 232,093 words · 1,564 · 112
Stone Cold Pulled into a strange world, meeting fantasy creatures, and stuck in stone. Isn't life grand... by M_D_Quill 37,304 words · 1,412 · 41
thank ya!
Thank you for the fave
1353152 why absolutely
Thanks for the fave on What I've Become!
890144 But as for the parts I liked most your takes on the lore behind the blanks and blood hooves was rather well done, the ever expanding amount references to things such as video games and other internet things keeps a smiles on my face as they happen, and the constant back and forth between love interests is... Interesting I like how you are keeping everyone in the dark with who he is going to choose and not just spoiling that right away. However I am confused with what Lyra's role is or will be in the story so far. Discord has potential to be a possible final boss kind of character and Lyra perhaps a third love interest?