• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


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The man behind the screen

Name: Michael
Gender: Male
Birthday/Age: March 4'th 1986
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Occupation: Event consultant and security expert, convention vendor and former Co-chair of CANterlot Convention.

Prefered contact methods: PM me here

Links to projects I've edited for

This list will require many updates just for it to be current in no particular order. Projects that have yet to have a chapter posted MAY be listed at the bottom depending on author permissions.

Xenophilia: Flesh and thorns by warpd
My Mortal Big Brother by Dash Attack
Travelers and Jumpers by Nathan Traveler
Journal of a Reality Drifter by Spiritus Arcane
Memoirs of a Reality Jumper by Techogre ok, practically everything by Techogre.
Rude Awakening by PonyAddict although none of what I've worked on has been released.
Scratch Upon a Vinyl by officialDJPon-3
Raising a Human in Equestria I was brought on recently by the new author, nothing I've worked on has been posted
Lightning Strikes by Kail
Just one man by Cordovan Splotch
Days of Wasp and Spider by Luna-tic Scientist

Here's a bunch by Kwakerjak
Flash Fog , Avocaction , Inscape , Wild, Sweet & Cool , The Final Accusation: A Legal Comedy and I think I worked on So, Just What Went Wrong Anyway But I'm not 100%

That's all I could remember off a quick browse through my favourites list. If I missed anyone or you don't believe my involvement in any of these projects please send me a PM.


PSA: Discord account names · 1:44am Jun 7th, 2023

As some of you may know Discord recently decided to get rid of the 4 number identifier attached to your discord account name.

As of yesterday they've begun rolling out the ability for us regular folk to claim our names and at the time of this message nearly all 2015 accounts and some 2016 nitro accounts will be able to claim your name.

To do so relaunch (or just launch) Discord and follow the popup on your welcome screen to claim your name... before someone else does.

Report KMCA · 128 views · #discord #PSA
Comments ( 76 )
  • Viewing 72 - 76 of 76

*gives big whimpery eyes to!*


yeah well I'm at 36 unread right now. I'll get to it eventually

>.> You should fix that, because by the time you get to it, there'll be five more chapters.

At this point I can't even guess, I'm 5 chapters behind.


  • Viewing 72 - 76 of 76
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