• Member Since 9th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 2nd, 2020



not dead yet · 1:12am Apr 26th, 2017

To anyone waiting for Homecoming of a Jumper to update, I'm having a little trouble ending it how I want, but I'm hoping to have it figured out and a new chapter out in the next few weeks. After that, the remaining chapters should be out soon after.

While you wait, TechOgre has begun a new Q&A, so if you have questions for Steelskin or any of the characters in Memverse, pop over and leave a question.

TechOgre's blog post:

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Report tosety · 371 views · Story: Homecoming of a Jumper ·

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Comments ( 27 )
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Thanks for the follow!

Thanks for the favorite. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for joining my group Prayer Requests and Praises. Feel free to tell other people about it. We need more people to pray.

Thanks so much or the watch

Thank you for the watch, my friend. :)

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