• Member Since 19th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen January 3rd


Only mostly dead.

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It's Just More Entertaining · 3:44pm Jun 9th, 2022

You know, after all this time, I'd still rather watch Countess Coloratura sing "The Spectacle" than see Rara perform "The Magic Inside". It's a matter of taste, of course, but to me, the songs and the performance of "The Spectacle" is just off-the-charts more entertaining. I'd much rather see that concert.

Not to throw shade at "The Magic Inside" because I like it, but I'd definitely be bummed if I came to see Countess Coloratura and Rara showed up instead.

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Report xjuggernaughtx · 343 views ·

A Short Brony Mix I Did A While Back

After getting a bunch of tracks from The Living Tombstone, I decided to make a mix. I kept it short so that I could throw it up on YouTube.

Sometimes I Draw - Still Working On It

We had more Flim and Flam this season, and Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 seems to be M.A. Larson's favorite episode. In celebration of seeing him at BABSCon, let's have some Bing Bang Zam!

Comments ( 194 )
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Hello, please check your PMs soon; it's for contest judging. :pinkiesmile:
(If you're one of the people who simply forgot to mention their Fimfiction name when claiming a docket, please disregard this message.)

Hope you're doing well.

2441924 sounds like there really is a lot of knowledge/understanding to be gained still, hopefully you got something to help you out there like a guide book/manual or a mentor of sorts if just so you don't have to be figuring out every little thing on your own or having to be learning somethings the hard way, you know? :twilightblush:


2441380 Unfortunately, there's really nothing to do for me beside gain experience. A lot of my current issues have to do with being unskilled relative to need at my job. It takes me much longer to do a lot of it because I just haven't build up the knowledge base yet. That's getting better every day that I work in this position, but it take three to five years to be competent in my position and I've been there nine months. I've got a long road ahead...

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