• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


I write poni. I am easily distracted. I like Oreos.

Here are things I wrote most recently!


Oh hey I wrote something · 1:47pm Jun 14th, 2023

It’s just a short chapter for Slices of Raridash, but it’s something!

I’ve had a terrible case of writers’ block lately. No idea if this is a sign of pushing out of it but I suppose we’ll see!

Report Twinkletail · 177 views · Story: Slices of Raridash ·
Comments ( 206 )
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B_25 #206 · June 5th · · ·

That's a shame but I understand the struggle—your micro is the best I've read.

And looking forward to it.

If you ever wanted me to write a story for you, please feel free to let me know.

Brain has sadly not wanted to words in a while.

But if I ever get back to the visual novel I started working on, I’ve got some of that type of content planned for it.

This a year later

When's the next micro story

I really like your fics :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 202 - 206 of 206
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