The most delicious of shipfics, with none of that pesky baking time ApplePie requires. Grab a Twinkie off the shelf, and dig in!
Twinkie One-Shots: Because Twilight and Pinkie go together so well, often only a single chapter is required to get the two together.
Twinkie Serials: "I tried making Twinkie cereal once but the cakey part soaked up all the milk and got all soggy and it just ended up kinda gross. Such a sad waste of Twinkies." Uh, no, Pinkie, Twinkie serials, as in multi-chapter stories focused on romance between Twilight and yourself. "Ohhhhhhh!"
Just a Little Twinkie: For stories where a Twilight and Pinkie romance happens, but isn't the main focus.
Twilight Friendshipping: Sometimes, Twilight and Pinkie are just good friends. That's okay, too! Those stories go in here.
Gosh!! Thanks for including my story "Bluffing" in your group <3 !!
I have a question. How do I post a story that isn't mine in a group? Whenever I click "Add story", the ones I haven't finished pop up.
Twipie/Twinkie is the only ship I have ever cared about in my entire life of anything.
Before Twipie, I thought ships were stupid. I thought they were an offense to the original intention of the canon authors. I thought they were juvenile and ephemeral expressions of a foolish heart or hormones. Shipping offended me so much that it colored my opinion of all of fanfiction such that I did not want to read any of it for fear of stumbling upon some wishy-washy nonsense that affronts the creators of the base media we love.
I would not be on Fimfiction if not for Twipie. I probably wouldn't be writing my first ever fanfiction (my first ever written fiction!), either.
And it is my intention, after writing about a dozen stories to work on writing skills and learn the ropes of the business, to write an epic Twipie for the ages. It won't be for pride, and it won't be for self-gratification (though I expect some of those to follow). I'm doing it because I want to share the Twipie in my heart with the world. I want to serve all of you who love them so much, and I want you all to share my joy.
One day.

284545 One does not simply Twinkie
372785 The most popular is definately Rarijack

Don't ask me why, but THERE IS SO MUCH RARIJACK
Hey guys, what do you think is the most popular shipping? Not the best, the one with the most fan art and fan fics written about it.
343341 Best .gif on the internet.
so I've written some Twinkie fics, but i don't want to come off as rude and just start posting them in here.
What's the proper ettiquette for adding stories to the folder without coming off as a jerk? I love writing Twipie as they just make such a good couple I think.

why are so many Twinkie fics completely dead
come on people, finish your work!
Yes, I am a hypocrite, why do you ask?
Hey everypony!
I've read almost every fic in this group, it took me, like, three days.
Some made me "Dawwww" so hard, others made me "Awwww" and one made me want to cry and vomit at the same time.
(You may know it. Just. No.)
I was considering writing a Twinkie story next to my current project and if I do, I hope it goes up on here.
Also, holy shit, all my favorite Twinkie writers are on guys are pretty much my main celebrities right now, it's your fics I've been drooling over for the past three days.
I recognize most of you believe it or not;
Krezak, Gabriel LeVedier, Emerald Flight, Baby Seal Burritos etc...
Thanks for all your contributions to this great community and ship!
Twinkie on, my friends.
EVERYONE may Twinkie. In fact, everyone is highly encouraged to Twinkie.
I think it should probably go in "Just a Little Twinkie," myself, as otherwise I think folks looking for Twinkie will hit the first chapter/story and go, "What is this RariDash nonsense?"
Aww, thanks!
I want to add The Shipping Chronicles by Donny's Boy cause the Twinkie chapter is amazing. Would it go into Twinkie One-Shots, as technically it is one, or Just a Little Twinkie, as it is just one oneshot in a collection of them.
Huzzah! I truly have found the greatest ship!
I'm debating on writing a TwiPie story after I write chapter 3 of The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of, so keep on the lookout for that.
Can I Twinkie too guys?
Woah, sweet, my story's here!
This is my kind of group, Twinkie Rules!!

So glad this group exists. Best ponies, best ship. (Okay technically Celly is my favorite but the poor lady's only had like five seconds of screen time this season. Busy running Equestria I guess.)
>>Krizak Thankee kindly for the compliment! If I ever write more with that couple (and I very well might, after the huge fic I'm working on now) I'll let y'all know.