• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 7th, 2023


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Thirty Minute Ponies! · 11:52pm Jun 4th, 2012

If you're following me, there's a good chance that you enjoy my writing. (Why you do, I'm still trying to understand.) There's also a fair chance that you find the wait for a bit more of my writing to be a tad long. I'd pin it as a near-certainty that you also enjoy the writing of some of FiMfiction's other fine authors, and a remote possibility that you might want to try your own hand at writing a quick little story or two.

If any of those apply, then have I got a solution for you!

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OFFLINE last seen September 7th

WAIT! September 7th?! As in this month?! There is still hope!

Comment posted by Hyper Star deleted May 14th


"last seen Last Friday"

Could it be?

Such a pity.
I really enjoyed A Different Kind of Magic.
I hope you're doing well, wherever you are.

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