• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Zaid ValRoa

"Fanfic [has] been on the decline since the Aeneid." --Anonymous poster 18/03/15

Works in Progress

Chapters Written

  • 14/16

Progress on current chapter

  • 602 words

Baking Thriller
Chapters Written

  • 0/9

Progress on current chapter

  • 2771 words

Twinkie Horror
Chapters Written

  • 0/?

Progress on current chapter

  • 2771 words

The Phoenix
Chapters Written

  • 0/1

Progress on current chapter

  • 415 words


Finish that accursed poem [ ]
Publish 50,000 words [x]
Goal achieved on Friday, December 12th, 2014, with the fifth chapter of Blankness
Publish 75,000 words [x]
Goal achieved on Monday, July 27th, 2015, with the seventh chapter of Blankness
Publish 100,000 words [x]
Goal achieved on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016, with A Faint and Curious Voice
Publish 150,000 words [x]
Goal achieved on Monday, December 24th, 2018, with Through Her eyes
Publish 200,000 words [x]
Goal achieved on Friday, April 19th, 2019, with the ninth chapter of Accismus
Publish 250,000 words [x]
Goal achieved on Wednesday, April 1st, 2020, with the fifteenth chapter of Accismus
Publish 300,000 words [ ]
Finish Blankness [ ]
Finish my horror Twinkie sequel [ ]
Finish π [ ]

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Comments ( 84 )
  • Viewing 70 - 84 of 84

And that's why I laughed. It was stupid. Lol.

Something about it reading like an illustrated book aimed at a very, very young audience.

What was it ya commented on my "An AI Wrote This" Story? It got removed. For obvious reasons. I don't care about it getting removed. I didn't write it after all. So it doesn't matter if it stays or not. I just thought that what was written was extremely hilarious. Cuz of how ridiculous it was... Also the AI based it on a MLP episode. Haha.


B_25 #79 · Mar 22nd, 2021 · · 1 ·

God hates you.

Now and forever.

God loves you. Now and forever.

I hope you're having a great day as well!

I can't believe I haven't been following after all this time! :raritydespair:

I must do the only honorable thing and fall on my blade! Or... just click the follow button which I guess is slightly more reasonable.

I apologize if I ever already asked this, but would you be willing to be take a fic request?

I think I may, though perhaps I'll have a hard time if it's an audio interview. My house is kinda cramped and noisy throughout the day.

Would you be available 21 FEB 19 at 6 PM EST?

Als: https://discord.gg/JtGE8g

Ummm, sure. I think I could do that.


Also, this may sound kinda odd, but would you be up for doing an interview at all?

  • Viewing 70 - 84 of 84
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