• Member Since 16th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 41 minutes ago


Remedy, She/Her, writing bad fanfics since 2011 and not stopping anytime soon.

Latest Stories


And Hell Followed: Timeline, Rules, and Deaths · 4:16pm Jun 19th, 2021

Howdy everyone, one last thing before I take a step back from this universe for awhile. Speaking of, I think calling this Scorched Equestria, or Scorchedverse, or something along those lines is the way I want to go. Yes, the infection is important but I first think about the sun hanging in the sky when I think of this story.

Anyway, several people want to write stories set in this universe, so I figured I would help.

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Stories That Inspired Me


And Hell Followed YOU HOME · 4:06pm March 4th

HEY! Do you want your own copy of And Hell Followed? Want it in a beautiful glossy hardcover with all of the illustrations? WELL NOW YOU CAN HAVE IT!

Buy it here!

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Comments ( 28 )
  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28

Have adored the stories in your "And Hell Followed" series, read the original book a while back, and just binged all of what's been released of "Babel" with a break in the middle to binge Sun and Shield, Rose is such a delightfully written, messed up crazy little horse.

Just wanted to say I loved what I've seen so far, and can't wait for more! :twilightsmile:

I would love to see the disease world in it's own verse but also more fanart. That is impressive, I'm telling you.

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Jun 8th, 2022

Depends on your taste I guess lol

writing bad fanfics

How bad we talking?

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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