• Member Since 17th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

The Red Parade

Cars are still parked outside. If the rapture had happened, why was it unrecognizable? Why was the sky blue? Why did no one tell me? Do these things not announce themselves?

Welcome to the Birthplace of Fiddledust


Now Taking Commissions! · 8:41pm Jun 19th, 2021


I’m Red Parade, self-proclaimed fan of obscure ponies and background characters, and I’m opening for commissions! I’m fairly new to this whole business but I figured I’d give it a go to see how things turn out. Everything you should know is outlined below: a TLDR is provided at the end of this post but I urge to read the entire thing carefully if you want to commission me.

So let’s start with the basics: what I accept, what I don’t, and my current rates. 

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