Story Reading Order:
Rapid Transit (Artie, to his friends)
1) Waking Up A Unicorn
2) The Road to Toronto
3) Math Class
4) Ties of Family
5) Not A Subway Line
Hal Sleet
1) Storm Over Vegas
2) Stop That Blimp!
3) Busting A Buster
4) There and Back Again
5) The Return of the USS California
6) Finding A New Home
7) The Blizzard of 3265
8) Whatever Happened to the California?
9) The Christchurch Rescue
Radiance Point (the former Purple Point)
1) Purple Point: His Life in Space
2) The Wreck of the Gowanus Herald
1) Restart
Joe Velloti (Sky Hook)
1) Peregrination to the Promised Land
New Phoenix
1) Phoenix from the Ashes
HeroVerse/ Equestrian City
01) Blaise Arrow
02) Blaise Meets the Phoenix
03) Rip Current
04) The Day the Lights Went Out in the Tower
05) Training Into Practice
06) Wave Rider
07) Over In A (Split)Second
08) Of Apples and Electricity
09) Concerning Boredom
10) Wave's Birthday Surprise
11) Gray Man's First Call-Up
12) Venus Blue
13) Team Building
14) Battle Lines
15) And Now, the Fun Begins...
16) Purgatory
17) A Walk in the Night
18) Acanthite
Hurin Tascheter
1) Horse Play
1) Tidalverse: The Fearsome Foursome
2) The Mississippi Voyager
3) Where Have All the Dragons Gone?
4) Northbound and Down!
The Mississippi Voyager, Chapter 12, paragraph 15, I used that line. Other MB references will crop up every now and again, as appropriate.
I LOVE THAT ONE TOO!!! Ah, best science show ever
“The only difference between science and screwing around, is writing it down”
Tori Bellici used the line at least once, don't remember the episode.
There's another Mythbusters line that crops up in my stories, said first by J.D.Nelson.
"Time to de-ass the area."
"I reject your reality and substitute it for my own"
I suspected it was a good thing and more so describes the general reaction to the plot ("yeah, this won't end well, but that's the fun of it!"), but it was still worth asking LOL
It's a good one. I took that line from Mythbusters. Something completely unusual.