• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen July 19th


An Irish girl who reads, writes, reviews, and occasionally draws. Don't worry though. My hair isn't black, my eyes aren't blue, and I'm not from Galway, so you won't be losing your heart to me.

The Result of me Slapping an iPad and Somehow Getting Marginally Popular For It

Comments ( 131 )
  • Viewing 127 - 131 of 131
Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted May 15th, 2020

I'm glad you liked my story to put in your favourites folder. I see you also have a Meh list in your library. I have one to, but mine's private to protect the feelings of those I've meh'ed.

In honor of your follower count

My brudda. You do not kno da wheh, so you have da geh.

Thanks so much for favoriting "Scaled Heights!":pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 127 - 131 of 131
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Angry PMs · 4:14pm Jun 25th, 2016

When I get angry PMs from authors whose stories I left a negative comment on, I always laugh. This one I got a few minutes ago is one of the funniest I've ever seen.

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Report JumpingShinyFrogs · 988 views ·

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