Amateur Artists Unite! 418 members · 81 stories

This group is open to anyone who enjoys art, whether they create it or enjoy the art of others, not matter how good or bad you may be!

Anyone from a beginner to a pro is encouraged to join. If you need help, feel free to ask, and if you want to help out or post tutorials, it's appreciated. You just drew a picture of your cat? By all means, post it here. If you have any questions or need any help with art, critique, or help in general, post them, and maybe we can point you in the right direction.

The Master Tutorial List

The Official Rules Thread

The Old Art Program List

Feel free to post your work in a thread for all to see! Constructive Criticism is always welcome in this group!


  • Co-founded by The Sexy Assistant
  • Became third on the trending list on January 31, 2014.
  • Reached 100 members within five days of release on February 1st, 2014.
Comments ( 82 )
  • Viewing 63 - 82 of 82

I’m doing free digital cover art for fics! ^.^ Message me for details and I’ll do it!!

I'm just joining to see the beautiful art y'all artists make, like the cover art for the group.

hi! I am doing a Adopt a Human type of fanfiction. I am spreading myself from others who do these types who makes the Herod adopt them. I am going to make a Fanfiction where Queen Chrysalis adopts a human child named Michael. I need a cover art. My story is called Her Love Warrior.

The cover art I was hoping for was Queen Chrysalis to be cuddling next to Michael with her horn glowing to illuminate the darkness, maybe her hoove wrapped around his tummy pulling him close to her or maybe a wing wrapped around him.

Michael I need to look like is Blonde hair, small form, bare feet, white t-shirt and brown shorts, blue eyes.

Um... Hello can anyone make a cover for a Fallout Equestria story please I would very much appreciate it. PM me please if you would to. Thank You.

I am an editor in training I can clean up some art for whoever needs it.. Also I need someone 2 make bases for me

Can I post a tutorial on my Pokémon OC?

Hello I am a begging artist and I love to draw animals.
I draw my avatar myself and also draw some other ones as will here is a link to my DA page too :yay::twilightsmile::pinkiesmile:

Thought I might as well join, no harm in seeing other artists' works and hearing their feedback.

I work exclusively in 3D and I've been going since around September 2014, so I'd consider myself pretty new at this entire art thing.

yes. We need good artists who can help with tutorials and helping out the new artists. Let me see some of your work through PM and if you are great as I expect we can see if you can help out with the group.

great! i love boobs! make a thread for it if you like.

Woo! an art group! though, so far, 2-D ponies is the best I can draw.


Oh god I thought I was safe here!

379453 I prefer boobs unrealistic like a pair of beach balls... but fair enough. :heart:

fyi i found a very good boob tutorial

I am here, the raping may commence :pinkiecrazy:

I joined because I enjoy the awesome artwork I find, and this looks to be an excellent source for more awesome work to enjoy. :pinkiehappy:

Well ... Well ... Well, nice setup here PonySlayer (Its me InvaderZim11523, just a name and avatar change). Glad to see you did this, with 170 members no less nice! :rainbowkiss:

  • Viewing 63 - 82 of 82