• Member Since 12th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Blog Posts

  • 116 weeks
    Its My Birthday Todays!

    Well today is my birthday, along with my brothers, and were one year older than before. Nothing special planned todays, since do got work. Probably celebrate our birthday in some form or fashion this weekend when off.

    0 comments · 206 views
  • 220 weeks
    Battletech/Mechwarrior Group

    Started a BattleTech/MechWarrior group here on fimifiction if anyone is interested. I surprised no one had made this despite their being least a dozen fanfics based on the setting. If your interested in link to BattleTech group I created is below.


    0 comments · 335 views
  • 220 weeks
    Happy Birthday To Mr & My Bro

    Well today is me and my brothers birthday and we are another year older. No real plans what to do for birthday as today we work. Perhaps stopping by sonic for a burger and milkshake perhaps? Idk, we shall see what happens

    0 comments · 249 views

Its My Birthday Todays! · 1:27pm May 4th, 2022

Well today is my birthday, along with my brothers, and were one year older than before. Nothing special planned todays, since do got work. Probably celebrate our birthday in some form or fashion this weekend when off.

Report alluringming · 206 views ·
Comments ( 23 )
  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23

I look at it, lately been imagining my main oc being a digimon.lol trying find artist interested to draw 7 stages of evolution of him. Been imagining him in Anthro style mlp and Mha.

If you're getting into Digimon again, I also have a second Digimon crossover fic in the works called 'Digital Lust'. In case if you're interested.

Most welcome, getting back into digimon and wanted to see if any decent fanfics of it crossing over with mlp. Now if i only find some involving certain fox digimon that aren't on hiatus or cancelled ^^

Thank you for adding 'BlackWarGreymon: Warrior of Harmony' to your folder.:pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the favourite

  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23
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