• Member Since 16th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen July 17th


Clop writer involving pretty much anal as my favortie topic, but enjoy writing other things as well. I do not Take Requests, Comissions are rare. This is my hobby in spare time.

Blog Posts

  • 64 weeks
    Tip Jar Now Open

    Hey guys and gals. I've gone and opened a tip jar where you can donate as little as 1$ if you feel like giving some support to my writing. My work has reduced all full-time workers to 28hrs permanently so it makes it a bit harder to keep myself floating with my physical health on a slow decline.

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    0 comments · 210 views
  • 66 weeks
    Princess Cadance Story Contest Announcement

    A friend of mine is hosting a Story Writing Contest for Princess Cadance. If you are interested in participating in the said contest, there is prize money for the writing with extra cash that can be earned. For more details, you can follow the link. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/216555/the-princess-of-infidelity-contest

    0 comments · 145 views
  • 94 weeks
    Hurricane Fiona (Aftermath)

    Hi all,

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    2 comments · 346 views
  • 107 weeks
    Rollercoaster Month (Don't Expect Stories This Month)

    Hello everyone reading this,

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    2 comments · 325 views
  • 126 weeks
    250 Followers Yay!

    Thank you all for hitting that follow button to see the next story or chapter I put out. Be it an old story or a new one that brought you in or captured your attention. It feels great to see all that number showing all the readers who are enjoying my work enough to click a single button for me. It has been a wild ride, and I'm still planning on following through for 2022 plans as much as possible, as time allows of course. I've got my birthday coming up in April where I shall be visiting my

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    1 comments · 210 views

Tip Jar Now Open · 6:48am May 2nd, 2023

Hey guys and gals. I've gone and opened a tip jar where you can donate as little as 1$ if you feel like giving some support to my writing. My work has reduced all full-time workers to 28hrs permanently so it makes it a bit harder to keep myself floating with my physical health on a slow decline.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
Comment posted by Bed Whisperer deleted Aug 11th, 2022
Comment posted by Bed Whisperer deleted Aug 11th, 2022

No problem. I remember my first Feature, it was a big rush. I've done it many times now, and it always seems to be based on a few factors. When I posted the story, and what my story consisted of. Those are the big things that help determine if a story will get seen or featured other than just upvotes and views.

Thanks for the comment on my story, BTdubs. I'm still in disbelief that it got into the Featured list! I low balled my expectations for that fic.

Sorry you didn't get a reply. Not sure why you were downvoted.

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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