• Member Since 20th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen June 19th


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Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 17 - 36 of 36

Hey kinky Pony, what kind of stories you like, that involve scat or farts?

What's your Discord? (If you have one)

Thanks for the fave.

Nice to meet you. I'd love to add you on Discord sometime.

Thank you for the watch!

Sorry I doubled up your invites ^-^'

PRINCESS CADENCE: $4/1k, $10/3k.
Alchemicgree: $4-5/1k(delivery diff.)
mrwoofles: $5/1k(3k min./Gore=+$)
WWS: $6/1k(@4k, w/?-able interest)
Courtesy of Gelding Grotto R&D Div.

Heya. You should read your PMs! :3

Thanks for adding Asking For The Moon to your favorites

Thanks for the faves! :raritywink::trollestia:

Thank you for the fave:yay:

Thanks for the fav.:twilightsmile:

Thank you for the fave!

1916720 that's okay. If you ever change your mind, my Skype is diaperedrainbowdash

Sorry, I'm too busy to roleplay nowadays.

Hey, want to rp on Skype? What thing do you give to message some pony on Skype, your username?

O-oh. Hey. Thanks for following me and stuff.

Thanks for the faves

Oy. When you're adding stories to folders in We Focus on the Plot, only add each story to one folder.
This is your first warning.

  • Viewing 17 - 36 of 36
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