• Member Since 28th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 20th, 2021



New Scat Pack For Sale: Mother's Day · 6:29pm May 11th, 2020

Hey everybody. Good friend of mine Succubisamus aka Moon Pearl has released yet another scat art pack, this time focusing on the milfs of horse-world in honor of Mother's Day. I should have posted this yesterday, but I didn't, because reasons. Anywho, clickie the linkie to get the stinky.

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Report SixUnderscore · 6,306 views ·
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Ah, I see. That’s fair. I just hope you’re doing well.

Well, my return is going to be somewhat short lived. If you read my blog, you'll know I won't be posting many stories after this one, unless I'm getting something in return for my efforts.

Nice to see you back again! I actually read your stories a lot before I made an account here. I only recently got back into MLP fics, and it’s nice to see one of my favorite authors is posting again.

rip ______ he was a great writer. :(

2233715 That sucks he made the best soft core scat stores :(

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