• Member Since 28th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 20th, 2021



New Scat Pack For Sale: Mother's Day · 6:29pm May 11th, 2020

Hey everybody. Good friend of mine Succubisamus aka Moon Pearl has released yet another scat art pack, this time focusing on the milfs of horse-world in honor of Mother's Day. I should have posted this yesterday, but I didn't, because reasons. Anywho, clickie the linkie to get the stinky.

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Report SixUnderscore · 6,306 views ·

New Scat Pack for Sale -- Blooming Libido (EQG Apple Bloom). Also, some freebies! · 4:30pm Mar 27th, 2020

Hello, whoever's still following me at this point. I'm not exactly writing stories anymore, but I am still endeavoring to bring more scat content into the world however I can. Recently I've helped my partner in crime Moon Pearl to create a brand new full length comic following Apple Bloom in the Equestria Girls world exploring her fondness of stealthy exhibitionism and softcore scat. If you like humanized Apple Bloom and want to see her fully naked and

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Report SixUnderscore · 7,491 views ·

New Scat Art Pack For Sale · 8:00pm Dec 14th, 2019

Succubisamus, artist of the CMC pack that i co-produced in writing the story, has been hard at work making a new pack of smelly and messy butts for your fapping pleasure. If you're a fan of EQG, public nudity and public relief, you will love this stuff.
Have fun, everyone!

Report SixUnderscore · 6,124 views ·

Crusaders Secret Business--Mess is now for sale · 3:02pm Mar 29th, 2019

Hello, peeps and peepettes. I'm sure most of you remember how I've stated that I wouldn't be doing anymore scat fic stuff unless I was earning something for my troubles. Well, here's one of those things. I've been working with succubisamus (the artist who drew my lovely new avatar) for a number of months on a duo story/art pack focusing on the Equestria Girls versions of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Yes, I said that correctly. Cutie Mark Crusaders. Equestria Girls. Scat fic. Go ahead, throw your

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Stories are going to be practically done after this and the next one · 11:05pm Dec 2nd, 2018

The last journal I made during the summer on Furaffinity and Inkbunny was really abrupt, and in all honesty, was made when I was really angry at someone specific and I just posted it on a whim. I feel like I should have given my few readers somewhat of an explanation as to why I made my decision after I had time to settle down, but that’s not what happened. Oh well, can’t change the past. Anyway, there’s a long and short version of this, so for those of you just following me because you want to

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Do you guys like Show-Accurate MLP scat porn? · 6:44pm Apr 20th, 2018

Over the past couple months, I've made great friends with a number of people into the same kink as I, and one of the friends of note is an artist named succubisamus. Not sure how many of you are aware, but a number of years ago, I first started posting scat stories about MLP on fimfiction.net, which were met with relative success (as far as scat stories go mind you). Recently someone pointed out to me that she'd drawn a picture from my first story, Sharing the Throne, in which Princess Celestia

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It's been a hot minute, hasn't it? · 6:47pm Jan 14th, 2018

Hola, anyone still following this account. Considering its been like 3 1/2 years, I'd be shocked if anyone did (though I did see that some people left comments on my page and stories last week, so I guess my stories are still getting found somewhat? IDK).

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New story, and how to read it · 3:08am Mar 23rd, 2015

Hi, sorry it's taken so long for me to get a new story out.

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So, yeah, that went better than I thought it would · 4:15pm Jul 5th, 2013

Funny thing is, this isn't the first clop-fiction I've ever written. I actually have a separate account that's done fairly well over time, however I decided to post this story under a different name, because, well, I was afraid of losing a number of followers due to the nature of the story. And I would have understood that too, the nature of it is pretty frowned upon by most of the pony community, and not for bad reasons. Most nsfw pony sites even specifically say "no scat" so that kind of

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