
Viewing 1 - 20 of 109 results

the world i'm trying to build · 4:19am Aug 11th, 2019

hello every one who likes vore and may or may not have a kink or two; if you need a drive or premise to make a vore based fic, i have a work in progress file that details what i think vorequestria is like and how it came to pass.

this is what i have so far feel free to add or help me with grammar

Report vorebellevore · 239 views · #fetish

AFdl · 12:17am Sep 20th, 2019

Hey all I was just wondering if you think it is weird or pathetic that I wish I could be a adult foal with diapers and all

Report MorningRose · 306 views · #Fetish

It's been a slow cook. I feel like being somewhat transparent. · 8:38pm Oct 25th, 2024

I am currently chipping away at a big project. I am very excited for its imminent completion. It's pretty big, (maybe appropriately so to match the featured character by the end) but I learned to just fall in love with the process of writing it. Slow going, but I am so satisfied with what I've got, and I am closing in on the climax and conclusion. Then finishing touches. It did become more ambitious than maybe I had initially expected. But, for once, I didn't learn to regret it. It's one of the

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Report PonePlumper · 35 views · #Fetish

Suggestions for S.W.A.C · 10:21pm Apr 12th, 2019

I’m curious to know, what would you guys like to see more of when it comes to this giantess fetish story?
Cause Speculore and I have been having trouble on what else we could do, so some suggestions could do some good.


Warning. · 11:55pm Apr 29th, 2016

My proofreader, just informed me that I should put out this warning.

Erotic Revolutionaries Operation will have a lot, a lot of really out there fetishes down the line.

I'm not talking about your standard weird. I'm talking really fucking out there!

This will include;

Mind break.
Ear fucking.
Braingasm. (Result of earfucking)

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Report Vector Erotica · 2,514 views · #Fetish #Extreme

Fetish Survey · 1:53am Dec 28th, 2015

If any of my followers have not yet taken this FETISH SURVEY, please do!
It will take you less than 10 minutes. My friend James Light put a LOT of work into it.

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Report Shakespearicles · 1,653 views · #Fetish Survey

Pony Ear Fetishes and Proofreaders · 6:57pm Dec 26th, 2015

I know there's no point bitching here about this, but I have two short, complete bits ready to go up and how the hell does anyone find any proofreaders around here anyway?!?

**my boss walks in** "Good evening, Scribe."

I curtsy quickly. "My King."

"My ears were burning, Nyx. Does that mean you have something of note to tell me?"

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My Favorite Fetish · 5:44pm Apr 27th, 2019

The morning was fresh and cool, the air humid and chilly at the ending days of Spring. The trees were sprouting their pellets to fully grown leaves. The rainy days were clearing up and the grass was beginning to grow.

Much to Nightlight's delight.

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Anyone find these kinks particularly interesting? · 9:35am Jul 10th, 2015

Well I've written a few of these into my stories so far, but I wanted to know what you guys thought about these particular fetishes, that aren't normally tagged, and if you find them as sexy as I do.

-Destroying Clothing
Nothing says a person is going to be naked for a while like this. Anything from outright burning clothes, or simply removing anything and everything they could use to cover their body from the area.


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A little rant about fetishes and how stories are to be made. · 5:54am Jun 27th, 2016

Alright i'm letting this out now. I think i finally figured out why so many people dislike my fetish for liking what i like. It's because of how i write it. And develop it.

I don't make any character, no progression, no reason, no nothing. They just have it, and they just become stale characters and very dull and boring. And i also figured out it doesn't matter how the story is done, it's WHAT happens in the story that matters.

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Beginner's Guide To Perversion · 10:33am Feb 6th, 2018


Dear FimFiction~

You are a wonderful place, full of friendship, rainbows and magic, with tens of thousands of stories which just take you away in infinite variety of directions you can imagine.

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Slow Burner · 6:08pm Oct 15th, 2022

I've posted two chapters now and I've come to realise that to explain what I'm wanting from this story I kinda need to keep away from the romance and fetish side of it.

It's gonna be a slow start but hopefully worth it in the end.



About me · 11:50am Aug 19th, 2023

Hello everypony!

I felt it was necessary to create a synopsis about who I am so any unwitting readers don't stumble upon my page or works without first knowing who I am, what I write, and who I write for.

I go by the pseudonym Chloe, and I have a fascination for all things kink related; not always sexually but always explicitly relevant to all of my stores (unless I have a momentary change of heart).

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Final Warning. Gonna be some changes. · 11:20pm Jun 5th, 2016

Let me start off by saying that every character in my story will be consenting to all sexual activities performed on them, and will always enjoy what's being done to them. Even with the assistance of a spell (usually one that turns pain into pleasure) is needed. And of course, any instance of rape will no doubt be a role play with previous consent already acquired. With the possible exception of a rapist getting their comeuppance.

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Report Vector Erotica · 1,483 views · #warning #fetish #extreme

God Fucking Awful · 8:05pm May 6th, 2019

The new Equestria Girls short, "I'm on a Yacht"
Watch the video here; see if you can make it all the way through the cringe fest:

If you are lazy and just want the audio, here's a youtube link.

And also, this picture is now canon:


An over-abundance of regression and age-play related diaper stories. · 3:09am Sep 7th, 2016

My problem, it seems, is that even in a world of unusual fetishes I am still a picky person. Despite diapers and their use being the second of my two big fetishes, (the other being girls clothes, jeans and shiny clothing especially) my fetish is very specific. As far as I can tell, for many if not most of the other writers on this site wearing and using diapers is only part of the overall fetish. Many other fetishes such as age play, regression, humiliation, spanking, sometimes mind control,

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Report Tsunogami · 4,299 views · #diaper #abdl #fetish

One Story Overshadowed By The Rest · 12:20am Feb 13th, 2019

I couldn't help but notice that, while my friend and I have been pouring our hearts into a story that emphasizes adventure, drama, and a bit of comedy, it isn't doing as well as, say, the one story where Rainbow Dash hypnotizes two mares to getting their butts stung by wasps. It makes me think, should I focus more on my kinkier stories or focus more on the serious story and be a better writer there.

Report BSting · 510 views · #story #adventure #fetish

Muscle Mania · 2:58pm May 1st, 2020

Times are getting spooky, huh? Everyone's cooped up in their houses and scared out of their minds. People are feeling bored and lonely. It's enough to drive anyone crazy, and I think we could all use something to occupy our time. I, for one, really wish I had a big, strong lady to hold me in her well-toned arms and tell me everything is gonna be okay, and so...

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not a big deal. · 9:57pm Oct 19th, 2016

its not much of a big deal but today i got a ew sexual catchphrase. i came up with it at lunch today when my friend starter fingering his apple out of boredom. literally. so i call it either "fingering the apple" or "fingering the fruit". both of with are stupidly sexual if you have some sort of fruit fetish. my friends thought it was pretty funny so yeah its one of my famous quotes now.

see ya later!


"Midnight's Feast" On Pause This Week · 6:18pm May 2nd, 2018

So it looks like Gladi and I aren't going to get a chapter of Midnight's Wildcard Feast out this week. :fluttershysad:

That said, I do have another offering for you guys to give you your regular dosage of fatpone. :yay:

Written for a discord server contest, and editted by RadPanic, I hope you guys enjoy this offering, and hopefully we'll be able to get another chapter of "MWF" out for you guys next week.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 109 results