Luna made many horrible mistakes under the dark influence of Nightmare Moon.
Tonight, she visits one.
Artist - murimio
Mostly just a random thing I wanted to write suddenly. Made in an hour, mostly for fun, read if you wish.
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Luna made many horrible mistakes under the dark influence of Nightmare Moon.
Tonight, she visits one.
Artist - murimio
Mostly just a random thing I wanted to write suddenly. Made in an hour, mostly for fun, read if you wish.
The dust has settled after the Apple Bloom and her friends admitted they were Anon-a-miss. All of Sunset's friends welcomed her back with open arms and she had the best holidays of her life, but... something isn't sitting right.
Her friends only turned on her once. Everything should just go back to normal and Sunset should be able to forget this ever happened, but she can't. Despite the wonderful ending, the thought still lingers: how is she ever supposed to trust them again?
You'd do anything for your special somekirin. Unfortunately, some of the things she asks you to do are less than safe, or at the very least questionable in their nature.
You should be used to playing with fire by now, though.
Day #1 of Hearts and Hands Week 2025.
On the very same morning that Princess Celestia mysteriously goes missing, a bright green alicorn turns up in the Palace gardens, basking in the sun and refusing to do any work.
Cover image by onionpwder:
Cloudy Quartz has lived in this small town with its small ponies all her life. The kind of town that'll look down on her four children for not fitting the mold. Rock farmers are like that, sadly.
But no matter what happens, she'll be here for her daughters, because that's what a good mother does.
Twilight has been summoned to Canterlot to discuss whether or not Anon deserves a second chance or be banished. Twilight is hopeful she can convince the ponies he can be redeemed but Anon's list of complaints strongly go against him.
Can Twilight save Anon from being banished? Probably not.
Final story of: You Can't Do That Here
The thing is, as inexperienced as I am, I've flown with practically every pilot in this airline. However, I've never once flown with Dash. She seems too experienced to be new here, and yet I've never seen her around before. I have no idea where she stands yet.
I don't think sharing is her top priority.
in honor of all the plane crashes, the passengers, & their loved ones
Based on Fallout: Equestria
Peppermint Twist is the Republic of Our Town's finest confectioner- that is to say she's as good as anyone else. She was content listening to the daily announcements and doing her work faithfully, but as whispers of an escapee begin to spread, she begins to wonder if there could be more to this village- and life in Equestria- than what meets the eye.
She always enjoyed the stars. They seemed to go on interminably far into the distance. An endless and ever-expanding universe with millions if not trillions of galaxies. More than she could ever comprehend. It intrigued her. And so she spent most of her life researching and finding ways to venture to the infinite depths beyond her world.
Finally, she's here.
An unfathomable crisis has afflicted Pipp Petals: her social media metrics are going down. A declining starlet is a desperate starlet, and desperate starlets take risks. Like turning some chatbot app into a digital PR coach.
So what if there's only one pony in history whose hunger for fame surpasses Pipp's? Or that its advice seems more like self-serving commands? Pipp is a smart pony. She's still in charge. She can shut her phone off whenever she wants to.
She just doesn't want to. And Tri.exe knows it. So let the mischief begin.
Oh, and also Hearts And Hooves Day is coming up. Surely that won't be a relevant plot point.
Fic's current outline is five chapters. Should be completed by the end of next week.