In General 587 members · 3,903 stories


Introducing to everypony the 'In General' group. Here, you can post and talk about content of the main series as well the fifth generation of ponies & Equestria Girls.

But not only that. Subjects belonging to other franchise is allowed too: TV series, Manga, Anime, Comic book, Movies, Videogames, Books & Novels and Crossovers.

Be free to share content about your favourites topics mentioned above; and post your MLP crossover fics likewise - may this be the home for your histories.

Before joining, there are some rules you must know:

  1. No spam: Let's try to not post anything about your personal information chain letters, anyone else's personal information and everything it involves.
  2. Be respecful to each others: Wich means no insulting, no attacking. Any hint of insults, trasgressions or attacks shall be severely dealt up with.
  3. No NSFW content: This group don't and won't allow NSFW content as well ilegal content. Like in the previous rule, any user who post forbidden content shall be severely dealt and reported to the administrators of the site.
  4. Don't ask for editors or artist: If any user wishes to look an editor or an artist for requests, please there are other groups in wich can be find at.

Having say that, enjoy your stay and have fun. :twilightsmile:

Update: New folders added in the 'Stories' section.

Comments ( 193 )
  • Viewing 174 - 193 of 193

Under which group would me fanfics involving Megan and even her siblings Danny and Molly be placed under since they happen to be characters from G1 from MLP so that I don't place them in the wrong group(s)?

Is Teen-rated fanfiction aloud?

Today is my birthday!!

Hi there! And I'm so sorry for not answering your question.

I don't see problems regarding talking about projects, so go ahead if you have a project in mind and want to discuss about it.

Hi! Is it permitted to discuss writing projects on the site here?

Hello everyone, after some minor issues, I have joined the group! It's nice to be able to talk about other topics in a generalized group like this, and I hope that we can have a good time discussing in the future. Have a great day.

Hello, and thank you for joining to the group. Talk and share about your favourites series and franchises.

Thank you for the invite! :)

Hello there! Thank you for the invitation, I really appreciate it! I’ve just joined the group.

Hi! Thanks for the invitation! Glad you liked my story!

Hi, thanks for the invitation

Hello! Thank you for the invite. I'm a bit busy with work and my kids and writing and juggling stuff, so please excuse me if I disappear for a while ^_^

Thank you for the invite! I presume you read one of my stories and thought I belonged here, so thank you.

  • Viewing 174 - 193 of 193