The Share Center 603 members · 3,710 stories

Weekly Announcement: Welcome to the group! Feel free to post and promote whatever you like; even non-pony stuff!

Group Off-Site Forum, Discord Chat, and Steam: Join the group off-site forum, Discord chat and Steam group by following the links posted in the pinned forum post here.


Welcome to the Share Center!

This group in partnership with the creativity sharing forum, Post Your Heart, is a resource for you to post and promote whatever you want.

Feel free to share whatever you want here; even non-pony stuff!

You can share whatever you want in the off-site forum here.

You can also share whatever you want in the group Discord server here.

You can share whatever you want in the off-site Facebook group which now has over 800 members! You can find the off-site Facebook group here.

You can share whatever you want on the group's Facebook page here.


Read about the group rules here.

Post Whatever You Want:

This group is about promoting whatever you want and talking about whatever you want; even non-pony stuff!

It is open for everyone who wants help with their writing or wants to promote their stories in the group folders.

If you don't like groups that are random and have a lot of posts, then I wouldn't join. Otherwise kickback and have a fun time!

- You can post brainstorming threads.

- You can promote your stories in the forum.

- You can post stories in the appropriate folders.

- You can discuss fan theories

- You can discuss episodes and movies.

- You can also post and promote non-pony things and off topic things, too.

- You can pretty much talk about anything you want in the forums, just as long as you keep the topics family friendly.

Have fun.

Group Theme Song and Mascot:

Cher is the group mascot because of punz and the theme song is one of her hit ballads, If I Could Turn Back Time.

Behold our mascot in all of her glory!

Join Lyra's Fan Group:

Feel free to join the LyraAlluse's Fan Group made by The Wandering Bard.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here:

Join The Insane Creators Guild:

Feel free to join my creativity sharing group, The Insane Creators Guild.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

- Feel free to post story ideas, get feedback on stories, discuss fan theories, and post pretty much whatever you want.

You can join here:

Join The Nightmare Factory:

Feel free to join LyraAlluse's horror and creepypasta themed group, The Nightmare Factory.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here:

Join The Cupcakes and Cuddles Club:

Feel free to join LyraAlluse's cute themed group, The Cupcakes and Cuddles Club made by Plain Hunter.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here:

Join The Eye of Cygnus:

Feel free to join LyraAlluse's paranormal themed group, The Eye of Cygnus made by Plain Hunter.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here:

Join Night Fall Kingdom:

Feel free to join LyraAlluse's bat pony themed group, Night Fall Kingdom made by Root Beer.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here:


Comments ( 115 )
  • Viewing 96 - 115 of 115

This would get Brony
insted womans

448586 You are very welcome.

Join My Discord Servers

These are my Discord servers. Feel free to join them and post/ promote whatever you like in them including anything creative like original music, art, writing, games, and more.

The Insane Creators Guild:

Share And Connect:

Art-Tastic Creations:

448554 I like that one. 😊

447524 Awesome I joined. :twistnerd:

Comment posted by Aether Spark deleted Dec 29th, 2023

446671 You are very welcome. :)

Your welcome and thanks

446538 I joined. Thank you for sharing. :)

446301 Keep on being awesome. :3

No problem 😊

446286 Hello there, welcome to the group. I am glad to have you here.

Feel free to share links to your stories in the group and post them in the group story folders as well.

This is a place where you can pretty much post post and promote anything you like.

Feel free to promote anything you want in the main group area here:

And also in the pinned promotion thread here:

Feel free to post and promote as much as you like in the group Discord server:

Feel free to post and promote as much as you like in the off-site forum:

Feel free to post and promote as much as you like in the Facebook group:

You can post and promote whatever you like here, even non pony stuff like original work. And feel free to talk about and discuss whatever you like as well.

You can also request things like art for stories, editors and coauthors.

It's a laid-back place where you can pretty much talk about and discuss anything.

And feel free to invite others as well. Thank you so much for joining. It is very much appreciated.

Hey thanks for the invite

  • Viewing 96 - 115 of 115