• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 29 minutes ago

Disavowed ASH

I kick evil in the NARDS ! Here be thy Patronage Page !

My Hat on the Sidewalk

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Comments ( 207 )
  • Viewing 203 - 207 of 207

Thanks for the favorite! :pinkiehappy:

May the Lord Jesus save you, then guide, protect, and watch over you :twilightsmile:

Oh, but the division 2 is not multiplayer you can play it solo or not and it’s pretty fun and has some pretty good lore.

Wait… why is your watch glowing red?

Yes. But I am a dinosaur. I stoped playing most Multiplayer after the decline of Halo in 2016 abd have been mostly a Boomer Shooter and Soulsborn Gamer when I have the time these days.

Excuse me but do you perhaps know of the division?

  • Viewing 203 - 207 of 207
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