• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


A Skeptic & So Also Therefore Now A godless Agnostic Atheist


Jimmy Carter will soon die. · 4:32pm May 15th

I remember Jimmy Carter as a decent man —— ¡much better than a certain other President! He had trouble working with congress, but he would have been known as an average President if it would have been for the 4 Horsemen of high unemployment, high gas-prices, high inflation and the hostages in Iran, all of which were beyond his control. He did more for reducing abortion than all Post-Roe-Versus-Wade Republicans combined.

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No. The Site-Admins banned me for a day and deleted the blog. If you really want to read what I wrote, it is in the email notification. I wrote a post in the group Ukraine with more details:

Think only good thoughts about Putin, or else, Anthony Fremont will send you to the Cornfield, I mean, Site-Admins will ban you and delete the group.

Did you delete your latest blog post, the one about Trump and his alleged assassination attempt? I see that you replied to me there, but when I try to open it I get a 404, "page not found" error message.

It pleases me that you favored Wonderbolt in Debt. :twilightsmile:

Walabio #323 · June 4th · · 1 ·


People just need time to discover it:

Although I subscribed to you, because my feed is a mess, it took until today for me to notice the story.

3416865 Without your reply, there would be no reply on the story.

  • Viewing 322 - 326 of 326
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