The Stardust Series 257 members · 5 stories

A group who's purpose is to gather all of the stories and materials related to the Stardust storylines, as told by Arad (and others). The chronology of the Stardust series follows:

Fortitude Amicitia
Mente Materia

Any questions, just ask!

Comments ( 4 )
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That's the order they were written in, not the order they happen in the series timeline.
(Necroposting, ho!)

I'm a bit confused on how to read these you say that this is how we should read them Celestia, Stardust, Broken, Fortitude Amicitia, Mente Materia. But according to the dates we should read them like this Strardust 1st May 2013-8th Jan 2014, Fortitude Amicitia 12th Mar 2014-12th Mar 2014,Broken 28th Apr 2014, Celestia 23rd Feb 2015-7th Apr 2015, Mente Materia 11th May 2014-27th Apr 2015. Please correct me if im wrong im just a wee bit confused on how to read these great storys.

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