• Member Since 6th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday


i'm a world builder not a story teller. whithc basicly means i'm good at making items and charactors not making stories about them.

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nature vs choice · 10:49am Feb 27th, 2023

Your imagination is a reflection of your nature, but it does not define you. What you choose to make your reality, however, does. What one chooses to bring forth from their mind and paint into reality is essentially who and what they are. But as usual, it's the same problem, different century: too many painters and only one canvas.

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Report Matthewthawes · 95 views ·
Comments ( 68 )
  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68

The note you sent regarding The Alicorn Princess of Ponyville.

remind me what this is about.

Yikes, I'd barely even thought about this one in years. Admittedly, I had to skim the original Word document, and it doesn't look like what you're after is anywhere. Maybe the third chapter, but that's technically something else. Sorry, but in case you ask, I'm unlikely to finish. Although, I'm glad to see this one got at least a few fans.

Need more stuff like this

Thanks for adding Twilight's Short and Incomplete Guide to Equestrian Magical Theory to your Favourites! May I ask why?

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