• Member Since 25th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm a Christian brony born in 10/19/1996, profile pic done by sweetstrokesstudios.. I may write M rated stories I take commissions $10 for first chapter and $5 for additional chapters

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Editing Advertment and price change · 9:50pm August 5th

Hello, I previously blogged that I would take on editing jobs for $5 a chapter or $10 for the whole thing.

The $5 a chapter is still the same, but the $10 for the whole thing will only apply to one shots.

So if you need help editing, I hope you consider me.

Prices are still liable to change

Report Applefai · 38 views · #advertising #edits
Comments ( 179 )
  • Viewing 175 - 179 of 179

It pleases me that you intend to read Future Twilight Is a Bully. :twilightsmile:


It's fine haha. I'm mean to Brady, but I'm not going to be mean to you.

I'll admit I was cowardly, I didn't want to risk getting into a debate

Ok, I'll pm if you it. I'll admit I might have jumped the gun when I wrote it.

  • Viewing 175 - 179 of 179
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