Spikealoo 152 members · 83 stories

A group dedicated to the pairing of Spike and Scootaloo, hence the name. This group covers all types of Spike and Scootaloo pairing from: romantic shippings, friendship shippings and any other kind, as long as they are in it. Only one rule no Clop.

Comments ( 14 )
  • Viewing 1 - 14 of 14


Just set the pulldown to user on all the folders you want to be public, the way it already is on the Friendship folder...


369453 one last thing I need help with. how do I set it to where other people can post there story's on here? It says that only I can add story's.


Glad to help. I personally usually use Gimp, but that website's handy in a pinch, and I use it practically any time I have to label a picture, because it's got a great selection of fonts.


369451 thanks you so much. this thing was starting to get on my last nerve.


It just pretty much needs to be 100 x 100. If you don't have a graphics program handy, you could always resize it with this online image editor...


369449 yea that what I have been trying to do for the last 5 minuets


No problem. You may want to scale down the group icon. It doesn't scale automatically when you upload, and crops instead.


369446 you where right I did need more color. Thank for the help I greatly appreciate it.


It's also exactly banner-size, and clicking it will take you directly to the picture. I felt the banner could use more color, and I'm getting pretty good at colorizing black and white pictures. :scootangel::moustache:


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