• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Elric of Melnipony

Ask your doctor about DERPIPONE(TM)!

Stuff I wrote that resembles the old user bio box

Zaphod Elric's just this guy, you know?

The name comes from this other guy.

I'm an admin with several groups, I'm sometimes available for editing, and I just generally try to help people around here (when I'm not busy being a smartass or distracted by what passes for a life). I edit together group banners sometimes, if that sort of thing interests you, and I've made a number of group icons. I also started the new Twist group and run it with the help of Arcum42 and some backup admins. More recently, I found myself with a fan group on my hands, and I've got a thread in it for collecting my pony captions.

Stories you should maybe think about reading


Death From Above · 3:03am Dec 7th, 2020

There has been a trope (I suppose you could call it) in the naughtier parts of the fandom since probably almost the very beginning. It concerns pegasi (and alicorns), and it's absolute nonsense.

Read More

Report Elric of Melnipony · 359 views ·
Comments ( 368 )
  • Viewing 359 - 368 of 368

Well when your right your right. Remember me? Crazy person who tried to do a triple crossover for my first story? Its been a while hasn't it? Hope you are doing well. And I wanted to personally apologize for not better taking what you had to say on board back then. If you'd be up for it I'd like to talk.

Hello there. Here is a follow.

My user name was inspired by Michael Moorcock's Elric Saga -- which is more fantasy than SF, but Moorcock has written both. It sounds like your stepson's mother is a fan as well. If you're not familiar with his work, just know that the guys who created Dungeons & Dragons took as many ideas from him as they did from Tolkien.

(As for my actual name out in the real world, that's much more ordinary and mundane.) :twilightblush:

Did I ever mention my stepson's name is Elric as well? His mother named him such from some sci-fi novels she loved as a child, I was wondering if yours did the same?

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted May 6th, 2022

Come on Fhqwhgads
I see you jockin' me
Tryin' to play like
You know me


Hey, glad to see you're alive and well.

Well, I was gonna ask you how to take my story out of Absolutely Disgusting (since it's not that bad), but the Writers group told me it's better to cope with it.

  • Viewing 359 - 368 of 368
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