Why ekluvstuff?
Because I don't know what I'll like for tomorrow or in a years time. I surprised with myself for liking my little pony...
My little pony (duh)
Hunger games
The harp
Chinese food
Italian food
Chocolate Fudge Cake (I'm really hungry now)
The Dazzlings
Gravity Falls
Lots of books
And a lot of other stuff.
Why are you still reading this?
2121354 Thank you. I had a blast reading it.
Thanks for adding The Ultimatest Evil to your library!
Thanks for adding Blank to your favorites!
Thanks for the fav!
Thank you for faving "The Reality I Choose." I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Thank you for adding Death is Optional to your Favourites, my friend!
You are very welcome!
1972697 Thank you very much for them birthday wishes!
Happy belated birthday to you!
Happy belated birthday!