• Member Since 30th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen May 27th, 2013



How To Accuse Someone Of Breaking The Rules · 10:53pm May 26th, 2013

How To Accuse Someone Of Breaking The Rules

1. First, make sure that they've actually broken the rules, instead of taking the word of someone else who may have said the wrong thing by mistake. You might try talking to the so called rule breaker yourself first instead of listening to rumors and not getting the whole story.

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Looks like some bad mojo went down here.

Hey, what gives? Why can't I re-read Scootaloo's Painful Secret?


When she blocked them, they just used alt accounts and continued.

They didn't.

To keep her work from being so disrespected she took her stories down. Then one of the riffers emailed her with a link to a site where they had copy pasted all of her stories. He said if she didn't put her stories back up, they would riff all of them, essentially blackmailing her.

That didn't happen.

Wanderer D caught wind if it but instead of helping her, blew her off and said she wasn't being bullied though she clearly was.

She wasn't being bullied. She had negative comments on a story, but they were constructive criticism.

She deleted and reposed the chapter to get rid of all the mean comments, something she didn't know was against the rules.

"I didn't know it's illegal to shoot a man, so I shouldn't go to jail for it".

Wanderer D deleted the chapter again and rudely said that was against the rules and she couldn't do that.

The chapter wasn't deleted.

One of them put a video on youtube about it. This person was a minor only 15 years old at the time.

I remember that video. It was hilarious.

which made Wanderer D decide unicorn had broken more rules, though she hadn't.

Nnnnnnooooo, she definitely had. She was using multiple accounts to get around blocks and downvote-bomb stories. That's definitely against the rules.

Wanderer D then proceeded to make a blog post mocking unicorn and her young friend.

Here is the blog in question. As you can see, nothing in the blog identifies Unicorn92243 or her friend in the video. You can even see one of the comments that was left on her story, and see that it's not harassment.

He also encouraged others to laugh at them.

Objectively false. You can see the evidence in the link I posted above.

Unicorn admits down voting all his stories was wrong. It was not however, against the rules they had at the time.

Nnnnnooooo, it definitely was.

She was furious that he treated a young teenager like this. She considered it emotional child abuse and acted rashly.

Fucking lol

But she says the real reason she was banned was because she stood up to Wanderer D and said he was wrong, she also has evidence to back this up.

Fucking LOL.

No, kid, Unicorn was banned for alt abuse and harassing other users. Here's her alt.

Wanderer D allowed and encouraged the harassment, which is not only against site rules, but against the law in general. He had already punished unicorn for the one minor rule she did break. She said what he did was no less than mod abuse.

She said that, and she's wrong. Unicorn was never harassed. She had one of her stories riffed, and then the others got criticism. That's literally all that happened.

He banned her IP address to keep her from even seeing the site, making it impossible for her to reach out for help or to defend herself until she changed her IP.

Objectively wrong. She was banned, yes, but when people are banned, they're given the support email address, which they can contact to question/argue against their ban.

She says the bullies got away with their harassment because apparently they were friends with Wanderer D, and he got away with banning her for breaking a rule that didn't even exist because he's a friend of Knighty.

I'm dying. This is hilarious.

Kid, I was there. For all of this. I know exactly what happened, because I saw it happening.
You weren't. All you've got to go on is the biased account of someone who was banned for abusing alts and harassing people.
I recommend reading the GDoc transcription of events. It's more accurate.

Better luck next time, kid.

2123590 Well after some researching, I manage to find unicorn's email address and she gave me her part of the story. She said this whole thing started because she didn't want a group of riffers to riff her story. She saw her story added to their group and wanted them to take it down. They refused, she reported it, and they were made to take it down. The riff group members were furious and started harassing her. When she blocked them, they just used alt accounts and continued. She emailed the mods but got no response. The riffers laughed at her and said they would riff more of her stories. To keep her work from being so disrespected she took her stories down. Then one of the riffers emailed her with a link to a site where they had copy pasted all of her stories. He said if she didn't put her stories back up, they would riff all of them, essentially blackmailing her.Some time passed and when things calmed down she started another story. The harassment began again. Wanderer D caught wind if it but instead of helping her, blew her off and said she wasn't being bullied though she clearly was. She deleted and reposed the chapter to get rid of all the mean comments, something she didn't know was against the rules. Wanderer D deleted the chapter again and rudely said that was against the rules and she couldn't do that. unicorn and her friends were angry about the way she was being treated. One of them put a video on youtube about it. This person was a minor only 15 years old at the time. He got some facts mixed up which made Wanderer D decide unicorn had broken more rules, though she hadn't. Wanderer D then proceeded to make a blog post mocking unicorn and her young friend. He also encouraged others to laugh at them. Her friend was very upset by this and took his video down. Unicorn admits down voting all his stories was wrong. It was not however, against the rules they had at the time. She was furious that he treated a young teenager like this. She considered it emotional child abuse and acted rashly. But she says the real reason she was banned was because she stood up to Wanderer D and said he was wrong, she also has evidence to back this up. Wanderer D allowed and encouraged the harassment, which is not only against site rules, but against the law in general. He had already punished unicorn for the one minor rule she did break. She said what he did was no less than mod abuse. He banned her IP address to keep her from even seeing the site, making it impossible for her to reach out for help or to defend herself until she changed her IP. She says the bullies got away with their harassment because apparently they were friends with Wanderer D, and he got away with banning her for breaking a rule that didn't even exist because he's a friend of Knighty.

Now I'm not saying that the downvotes are justified or not, but there's sometimes a reason why some users do theses things.

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