• Member Since 31st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 5th, 2023


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Once Upon A New Home Chapter Two Update/Need Help · 11:06pm May 18th, 2023

Hello everyone! Hope everyone is having a blessed week so far :twilightsmile: . I wanted to let you all know that I am going to start working on Chapter Two of Once Upon A New Home, but I need your help if you wouldn't mind. I am planning to write about the new arrival of Fluttershy & Big Mac's new foal, but I need help with a name. Also, would you make the foal a boy or girl? Thank you all!

Report APoeticHeart · 550 views · Story: A New Home ·
Comments ( 796 )
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Comment posted by Fawwaz123 deleted Apr 27th, 2021

Who do you think Timmy might have a crush on?

Are you still working on 'A Dream Come True' and 'A New Home IV'?

I hope you're OK.

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